Hardwood Flooring

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What type of hardwood flooring is best?
What Species Is Best? The best hardwood floors are made with wood species that are readily available and — you guessed it — very hard. Oak flooring, maple flooring and cherry flooring are all good choices. Other species include bamboo (which is actually a grass), walnut, ash and mahogany
Hardwood flooring is a natural, durable but expensive flooring option for homes. Vinyl flooring is cheaper, but a less durable, synthetic alternative. Hardwood floors are usually favored for their durability, better aesthetic and resale value.
What is the most scratch resistant hardwood flooring?
Selecting a floor such as Hickory, Hard Maple or White Oak can protect your floor from damage, as these hardwoods are less susceptible to scratches than softer woods like Pine, Cherry or Black Walnut. Hardwoods with more dramatic grain patterns can help to hide scratches more easily.
Dogs could possibly cause some minor damage to hardwood floors, and in some cases, it will be more obvious than in others. For example, some people like the look of black hardwood floors, but they show scratches from dog nails more clearly than lighter floors.

Characteristics and Benefits
Nowadays technology and processing means that your flooring options are better than ever, with a variety of colors, patterns and textures available in every material.
Can be sanded and refinished, so you will save in replacements
Considered the top choice in flooring
Adds equity to your home
Comes in an array of colors, finishes and shapes to suit your style
Provides different levels of durability to support your home or business' activity level
Is easy to clean, saving you embarrassment over carpet and/or rugs stains
It could reduce drafts and lower energy bills due to insulation properties
Sometimes can be glued directly to concrete or bare tile floor
When is the Right Time to Sand and Refinish Your Hardwood Floor?
If one or more of these are happening, then yes, it’s that time:
Excessive, deep scratches spread out over an expansive area and going through the stain and affecting the wood.
Spilled water not cleaned immediately can cause a permanent stain on your hardwood floor.
Hardwood floor turning grey due to its polyurethane coating deteriorating, causing the wood to oxidize and turn grey.
Severe discoloration near patio doors and windows.
Splintering edges due to high foot traffic, age, and pets.

Hardwood Floor Sanding & Refinishing
Our process involves bringing back to life your old and thorned wood floor. When you see it, you won’t believe your eyes that it was the same hardwood floor you had a few days ago. This is how we do it:
Your hardwood floor is thoroughly sanded to remove the original top coating. Sanding down your wood floor also removes dings and scratches, given they aren’t too deep, which is rare.
We’ll apply the sealant and then your chosen stain. You can use the same stain color, or we can offer you some suggestions for a new one.